17 November – World Prematurity Day

Publicerat: 8 november, 2011 i Prematur

Nu är vi inne i November som även är prematur månaden och den 17 november är det prematur dagen. Tänkte dela lite information om det för de som är intresserade!

They all started life in the same way.
The world is full of celebrity preterm babies who have achieved great things despite their difficult start in life.
Soul legend Stevie Wonder is among them, his blindness a consequence of prematurity. Others include actors like Jonathan Rhys-Meyers or Sarah Biasini (daughter of Romy Schneider). People like Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, Annette von Droste-Hülshoff  were all born prematurely.

Today they all are celebrity representatives of the largest child patients’ group: Worldwide, one baby in ten is born premature: Every year, about 13 million children are born too early – 500,000 in Europe.  Thus, preterm babies represent the largest child patient group and their number continues to increase, even as the total number of births is steadily decreasing. Despite this high number, public is only hardly aware of the prevention of preterm birth and the problems and risks involved in the development of a preterm infant.

In 2011,  the first-ever WORLD PREMATURITY DAY will be celebrated all around the globe.

The primary objective of this occasion is to raise awareness among the broad general public as well as to collect donations for the work.

 Vote against prematurity – The European voice

In honor of this year’s World Prematurity Day EFCNI will launch the first European campaign for preterm and newborn infants.  The project “Ene, mene, mini. One baby in ten is born premature. Worldwide.” promotes a Call to Action in 24 different languages. The aim is to improve the care of pregnant women as well as preterm and newborn babies and to persuade EU institutions and national governments to finally taking care of this subject. Preterm infants need your vote! The page will be online soon.

Parents’ organisations and healthcare experts throughout Europe will be celebrating this particular day with events and activities in order to attract attention.The focus will be on the first common campaign “Ene, mene, mini”.

Clothes lines with baby socks at different famous locations around Europe are supposed to convey the topic of preterm birth.  One pair of “preemie socks” will be pegged out in between ten pairs of “term born baby socks” – not always on the same place but randomly distributed symbolizing that a preterm birth may happen to anyone: In about half of all cases of preterm birth, the exact causes remain unknown! The direct comparison on the line shows the enormous difference in size: Preterm socks match with the size of doll socks – this  little are the feet of a preterm baby!

If you would like to know how to participate in the coming World Prematurity Day, please contact your national partents’organisation or EFCNI.

UNITED against preterm birth – global activities

For the first time the Global Alliance, which unites African, Australian, European and U.S. umbrella associations of parents’ organisations, has initiated a World Prematurity Day Facebook fanpage in order to jointly draw attention to the situation of preterm birth worldwide, to honor the 13 million babies born too soon. On this fanpage, the Global Alliance also announce their events and activities. Interested and concerned people will find further information and have the opportunity to actively state their interest:http://www.facebook.com/WorldPrematurityDay

Change your status on Nov. 17th
Simply copy and paste the following message into your status. This is what your friends will see:

I honor the million babies born too soon worldwide who died this year and 12 million more struggling to survive. Join me on World Prematurity Day at http://on.fb.me/nartrr

How it all started

In 2009, 17 November became the official Prematurity Awareness Day and has been celebrated with a multitude of events by the “Foundation for the Care of Newborn Infants” (EFCNI) and its European partner organisations.

The date was decided upon during the first meeting of the European Parents’ Organisations on 18 November 2008 in Rome, Italy, which had been initiated by EFCNI. The reason for choosing 17 November was that this date has a very special meaning for one of EFCNI’s founders: After the decease of his preterm triplets in December 2006 he became father of a healthy born daughter on 17 November 2008. At the same time March of Dimes, an American charity organisation for preterm and newborn infants, had a similar idea and launched a Prematurity Awareness Day on 17 November in the USA likewise. So this date seemed to be meant for uniting and jointly launching the World Prematurity Day.

In the meanwhile, the African organisation “LittleBigSouls” and the  Australian “National Premmie Foundation” have joined and we are delighted that organisations from Canada and Middle East will be planning activities for this year’s World Prematurity Day, too.

Special Thanks

EFCNI thanks global healthcare company Abbott for supporting the European national parents’ organisations in celebrating the first World Prematurity Day.


  1. Anna skriver:

    Skall bli spännande och se hur vi kommer hylla denna dagen på vår Neo avd.

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